Bialek Group

The Price is Right? - The African
FinTech Pricing Challenge (cont.)

The current Visa and MasterCard pricing works well for cross border transactions and in many other parts of the world that do not present the full set of challenges of the African FinTech market.

The African FinTech solution for domestic programs will have to involve all stakeholders in the value chain: Visa/MasterCard, banks, processors and FinTechs. They will need to solve for the overall business model, insuring each stakeholder is earning sufficient revenue. This means opening up their pricing models to adapt to the market requirements.

Every stakeholder will have to adjust and adapt. The process will need to be iterative: test, measure, adjust and repeat. It may require trading some margin in return for market penetration and growth. The sooner you begin deploying this process the closer you will get to the “right price” and gain a competitive advantage.

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Many thanks to w3.css, Font Awesome, and to the power of green tea.